吉隆坡,2023年10月17日 — 马来西亚可持续康养领域的领先业者爱缔贝集团(AGAPE ATP Corporation,或简称“该公司”)在今天的新闻发布会上宣布,成功从美国的场外交易市场(Over the Counter,简称OTC)转板升级,成为纳斯达克交易所上市公司(股票代码:ATPC)。这是马来西亚极少数成功实现这一成就的本土企业,彰显了爱缔贝集团布局全球版图的雄心壮志和战略。
From L-R: Mr. Vincent Tan Inn Shen 陈运贤先生, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Dato Sri Dr. How Kok Choong J.P. 拿督斯里侯建仲博士太平局绅, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. Ting Wan Lock 陈万乐先生, Head of Corporate Finance.
From L-R: Mr. Adam Pasholk, Managing Director of Network 1 Financial Securities, Inc, Mr. Terence W. Tulus, Senior Private Secretary to YBhg. Dato Sri Dr. How Kok Choong, Prof. Dr. Taruna Ikrar, Chairman of the Medical Council/Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, Director of the world medical association and Head of Medical Team for Agape ATP Corporation, His Excellency Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, Ambassador of Malaysia to the United States, YBhg. Dato’ Sri Dr. How Kok Choong, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Agape ATP Corporation, Datuk Ahmad Shalimin Ahmad Shaffie, JP, Special Advisor, Foreign Minister’s Office, Tuan Amir Farid Abu Hasan, Consul General of Malaysia, New York, Prof. Dr. John Vong, Consultant to the United Nations Development Program World Bank Group and Asian Development Bank, Adjunct Professor of Public Policy and Management at Monash University, Sustainable Finance Lead in Monash climate works centre and Agape ATP Corporation Independent Director, Michael Gaskins, Hollywood Producer, and Dr. Benanni Hassan M.D.